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Assignment 12: Essential Question

Essential Question?

How does medical rehabilitation and therapy create a positive impact on patients and the world around us?

Why did you select this as your essential question?

I am passionate about the medical field and how rehabilitation is able to improve the quality of living for others. I am also passionate about helping others whichever way that I can. This question combines both passions, and gets me thinking about how a future career in the medical field will be able to impact the lives of others. Physical therapists do a lot for their patients physically, and I think it's important to acknowledge how their work doesn't go unnoticed. They do amazing things, and I'm curious to see how the entire process, from the diagnosis to improvement in pain and physical hindrance, unfolds and builds relationships.

What excites you most about finding the answer to this essential question?

When I go to my internship at Children's Healthcare of Atlanta, I am able to see the rehabilitation process of many patients week after week. I get to see their excitement and thankfulness for their progress due to their therapists pushing them. As I continue to research and discover my answer, I am excited to find the stories about how a physical therapist has created a positive impact. I have already had the opportunity to hear from my mentors many stories of how past patients continue to keep in touch and appreciate their work years down the road. I am also excited to research the work of many organizations, such as Doctors Without Boarders, that work world wide to create a better life for others. I aspire to be apart of Doctors Without Boarders, and I'm glad that this question will give me an opportunity to research more about the program and what they do.

Do you feel that this question accurately reflects a desire/need that you have to find out more about this topic?

This question is a great reflection of my interests and passions. I think it is amazing how the medical field creates connections throughout the world. The question accurately reflects my curiosity of the effects of medical rehabilitation.



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