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About Me

Who I Am

My name is Hannah Hamilton, and I am a senior at Forsyth Central High School. I have dreams of becoming a part of the medical field and either being a Physicians Assistant or a Sports Medicine Physical Therapist. After completing graduate school and finding a job, I hope to be a part of Doctors Without Boarders. Doctors Without Boarders is an organization that travels to parts of the world that lack adequate healthcare and treats those in need. Honors Mentorship has given me the opportunity to dig deeper into the career field I am interested in. Because of honors mentorship, I am able to work with different physical therapists at Children's Healthcare of Atlanta.

Children's Healthcare of Atlanta (CHOA)

Throughout my mentorship at CHOA, I have been able to observe the many different areas of physical therapy. Before this program, I only thought of physical therapy as Sports Medicine. In reality, Physical therapy includes many different areas such as Audiology, Speech Pathology, and Orthotics and Prosthetics. I do a lot of observing my mentors and interacting with the patients, as well as asking my mentors any questions I may have. I have also improved my interpersonal skills, which is an important part of being a physical therapist. In Sports Medicine, I was able to learn the exercises the patients do and demonstrate them to new patients. In Orthotics and Prosthetics, my mentor would give me homework on different topics such as Spina Bifida and Downs Syndrome so I would be prepared for the next appointments I would observe. Honors Mentorship has been a great way for me to expand my knowledge of the physical therapy field and all different parts of it. 

Me pictured with one of my mentors, Tanya Nussbaum, audiologist. 

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